Sunday, August 16, 2015

DAY 17: South Wall Bridge

Today's thing is more of a portion of a bigger structure. We have the bridge on the south side of town, which will soon be followed up by a proper gate and a gate house/guard house. :D

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

DAY 16: Dairy Barn

Whoops! Almost forgot! XDDD

Yeah, sorry. This web elf has barely had any sleep because... well... Fallout Shelter FINALLY came out on Android. So yeah...

ANYWAY. From yesterday's dairy farmer's house to today's dairy barn. COMPLETE WITH COWS. <3

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Friday, August 14, 2015

DAY 15: Dairy Farmer's House

So it looks like Ian's been paying special attention to the peasants of his town lately. =)))))

Here's the dairy farmer's house. I think it will soon have a cow barn attached to it. XDDD

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

DAY 14: Pig Pen

LOL well what's a farm without a bunch of pigs, right? =))))

Anyway, just something small and simple for today. The pig pen is located right beside the farmer's house. :D (and yes, in the image is one bale of hay. The rest are brown pigs. Took me a few seconds to notice, too.)

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

DAY 13: A Farmer's House

Today we have a cozy farmer's cabin! And Ian remembered to send me shots of the interior! lol :p

Anyway, it's a cute little two-story house near the windmill, where I hear some wheat fields will be put down soon. The ground level has a little dining area, a hearth, and a kitchen, while up on the second floor is the bedroom. <3

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

DAY 12: East Gate

After the North Gate in a previous post, the town is gradually taking shape, as the walls keep growing and the East Gate is created. As usual, it comes with some watchtowers, and a decorative portcullis. This gate already has a partial road going out into the rest of the biome built out. :)

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Monday, August 10, 2015

DAY 11: Guard Barracks

If there's a gate, there's a wall and possibly towers. It also means there would most likely be guards, and those guards will have to be nearby in case trouble arises and they need to defend the gates, right?

Today we have the (fast-growing) town's guard barracks where off-duty guards can get a bit of shuteye, AND be able to spring right into action if necessary. :)

(Click images to enlarge)
View from inside the town
Steps up to the barracks
View from outside the town
View while on the wall

Sunday, August 9, 2015

DAY 10: North Gate

More grand buildings today!

Here we have what is the town's North Gate. The gate itself is flanked by watchtowers and is crowned by an arch. The entryway itself is also arched and comes with a (decorative... lol redstone is a lot of work in itself already... maybe next time..?) portcullis.

Looks like the town is really growing that it now merits not just walls (YES, WE HAVE WALLS NOW) but a grand entry, too! :D

(Click images to enlarge)
North Gate
Entering the gate
Guard tower
Gate. tower, and walls

Saturday, August 8, 2015

DAY 9: Citadel

Looks like Ian is starting to get in the mood for large buildings lately. =)))

Anyway, for today, what we have here is what is apparently a citadel. We still don't know which lord or king or noble is in there, but it looks cool, so why not? :D

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View from the inside
Citadel at dusk
Citadel from afar

Friday, August 7, 2015

DAY 8: Windmill

We have a large structure today, and it is none other than the town's windmill! :D

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A view of the windmill's entrance
Windmill interior

Thursday, August 6, 2015

DAY 7: The Village Inn and Tavern

Right beside the orphanage can be found what (according to Ian) is the village tavern and inn. Two-level, cozy little place with little balconies and such. I've tried to figure our why an orphanage is placed right beside the inn, though, and I imagine it's because it's easier access to food. Or maybe so it's easier for travelers to donate and maybe adopt someone? Or perhaps the orphanage kids do menial tasks for the inn in exchange for food...?


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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

DAY 6: The Orphanage

For today, we have what is, according to Ian, the town orphanage. I guess someone has to take care of the local orphans and make sure they become productive members of Minecraft society, or something. Or we've all been playing way too much Skyrim lately (you know which quest I'm talking about, I'm sure). :p

Anyway, a welcoming front stoop + iron door for security = safety. <3

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

DAY 5: Scholar's Observatory

Something bigger for today! Ian told me that he images this structure to be some sort of observatory for scholars or perhaps the local mage or wizard. The beacon light adds a nice touch, doesn't it? :D

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Monday, August 3, 2015

DAY 4: Wide Residence #2

Perfecting the design lol. Another wide residence, with the doorway in the middle this time around. Cozy cottages are a lovely thing to behold, considering the blocky look of Minecraft in general. :D

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

DAY 3: Wide Residence #1

For today, we have another two-story building with some plant boxes outside. Really homey, isn't it? :D

(LOL sorry, still waiting for screenshots of interiors, haha)

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

DAY 2: Typical Residence

For today's structure, a second residence in Ian's growing village.

Loving those skull door ornaments, haha. :D

Also, here's to the new month of August! Cheers!

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